Loudmouthed gasbag Donald Trump may be leading the polls for the Republican presidential candidacy but, if you’ve been paying attention, you might have also noticed that he has a habit of contradicting himself.
Stephen Colbert decided to make the most of that particular trait of the controversial businessman, hosting a Trump vs Trump segment on The Late Show.
Trump decided to skip Thursday night’s final Republican presidential debate on Fox, but Colbert wasn’t about to let him get away that easily, and instead oversaw his own ‘All-You-Can-Trump’ debate.
The all-Trump debate features intercut footage of Donald Trump’s various wildly contradictory statements over the years, and demonstrates just how much this guy has flip-flopped on his attitudes in order to win votes.
And the debate is fierce – while Donald believes that ‘nobody likes’ Ted Cruz, Trump says, ‘I like Ted Cruz a lot’.
While Donald ‘loves’ Iowa, Trump asks, ‘How stupid are the people of Iowa?’ By the way, he made those particular statements just two months apart, according toVox. Awkward.
Believe it or not, he actually he even apparently used to like Hillary Clinton and Megyn Kelly. Who knew?
It’s almost as if Trump changes his opinions on a regular basis whenever it suits him. Weird…